Version: French
Available subtitles: English, French
For this first book from my humanist library, the one that focuses on the human being, I present you one of the most powerful and important books I have ever read.
Written by Dr. Joe Dispenza about his experience of healing after the fracture of 6 vertebrae and a spinal cord affected by an accident, it explains how our body is the creator of our healing.
At the forefront of research in cutting-edge medical fields concerning health and healing, Dr. Joe Dispenza offers us through his book the world of employment to transform our lives into what we want them to be.
Here, we do not sell dreams but concrete. It is remarkably well documented, with scientific evidence to back it up. Enough to seduce even the most Cartesian among us.
Documentation :
Babelio “Devenir super-conscient” (Français) :
Babelio « Le placebo c’est vous » (Français) :
Babelio « Rompre avec soi-même » (Français) :
Site du Dr Joe Dispenza (English) :
WIKITIA Joe Dispenza (English) :