Tarology, what is it?
The tarology is an accompaniment (often misunderstood) oriented towards personal development and which is based on a simple rule: lasting and solid results can only be obtained in our lives by considering the 3 components of the human being as a whole. .
These three components are: the spirit (the motors and the brakes), the body (the energy and the action) and the spiritual (from the Latin "the breath", i.e. the meaning that I give to my life).
Thanks to the Tarot deck (78 cards), the tarologist guides the consultant through different avenues of reflection in relation to the questions he asks among the three components. It thus helps to find the answers that the consultant struggles to determine with certainty, while soliciting his free will .
The practice of tarology also requires in-depth knowledge of psychology as well as personal development coaching in order to understand the message induced by the cards and its impact on the consultant in his current context while relying on his intuition .
It is therefore not a question of prediction in the proper sense! It would be much more accurate to speak of coaching with the light provided by the tarot.
This approach is thus fully in line with the conceptions of Carl Jung , whose genius I never cease to appreciate and discover.
Is it to know the future?
Definitely not.
It is not a question of predicting it but of guiding it!
Tarology is often confused with cartomancy. But only cartomancy is intended to predict the future based on the principle that everything is written and that the cards can reveal what will happen.
For cartomancy, the consultant is only a spectator.
The tarology considers, on the contrary, the consultant as a real actor because he is considered in his full capacity of choice and action which his free will confers on him.
The cards will thus reveal very logically, not immutable certainties, but on the contrary probabilities and possibilities, ie. the ins and outs of the various leads/questions of interest to the consultant.
By thus producing an accurate map of the situation, the consultant will then be able to develop with his tarologist/coach the best strategy to adopt in order to solve the problems that arise or achieve the targeted objectives. .
Code of ethics
In view of what is described above, the purpose of the tarology is to draw the attention of the consultant to certain aspects of his life by respecting the rules of positivity , benevolence and professional secrecy .
The tarology thus aims to awaken the conscience of the one who consults so that he regains self-confidence and regains control of his life.
The tarology... to do what?
The applications of the tarology target three related fields (non-exhaustive list):
personal development
· Development of self-confidence/self-esteem
· Setting up personal or professional projects
· Understanding a complex situation
· Emotional management (anxiety, stress, anger, widowhood, etc)
mental and physical health
· Help in making decisions
· Origin and care of backache, headache, etc.
· Well-being: reduction of fatigue, quality of sleep, easier digestion, etc..
· Reduction and management of stress
· Discovery of the life path
· Situation analysis (past/present/future): causes and effects
· Connection to the Akashic Annals
Make an appointment
Lieux :
- to my office in Paliseul or Liège (plan sent before the 1st appointment)
- at home (French-speaking Belgium, Brussels and G.-D. of Luxembourg)
- by Skype (for special requests) .
Sessions are by appointment only.